Requesting a Score Verification

If you wish to have your extended constructed-response assignment from the PAPA: Writing module reevaluated, you may request a score verification for this section of the module. There is a fee of $50 for this service.

For selected-response questions and the identified short-answer sentence corrections, your answers are scored and then verified before your scores are reported. Therefore, score verification is not offered for selected-response questions or short-answer assignments on any test.

To request a score verification. A request for score verification can be submitted online using the Score Verification Request Form. Only the extended constructed-response assignment section of the PAPA: Writing module is eligible for score verification. You must submit your request within 90 calendar days of the score report date. Payment must be made by a credit card (VISA or MasterCard only) or a debit or check card that carries the VISA or MasterCard logo and that can be used without the entry of a personal identification number (PIN).

Resolution. In the event that the score verification process results in a score alteration, you will be issued a corrected score report, the score verification fee will be refunded, and your records will be updated. If the original score is confirmed, you will be sent a letter indicating that the score has been confirmed. In this case, your score verification fee will not be refunded.

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